Singing Guide: Great White

Singing Guide: Great White

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Looking to learn to sing like Jack Russell of Great White? Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started:

First thing's first, it's important to understand Great White's unique sound. One of the most notable features of Jack Russell's singing is his smooth and soulful voice. He often adds vibrato to his notes, which helps to bring out the emotional quality of his singing.

If you want to sound like Jack Russell, we recommend starting by analyzing your own voice. Take Singing Carrot's Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range, pitch accuracy and monitor your progress. Once you know your range, you can select songs that match it and begin working on your vocal technique.

Some key techniques to focus on include breath support, register transitions, and vocal control. Start by using Singing Carrots' Breathing Basics article and Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks article to get started on understanding different vocal registers, and techniques like breath support and vowel modification. From there, you can move on to advanced techniques like Belting, Twang, and Heavy Modal singing that are covered in this Singing Carrots article.

Songs like Great White's "Save Your Love" and "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" are great examples of Jack Russell's signature style. As you work on your vocal range and technique, try to focus on the emotional quality of your singing and make your vocals smooth and effortless.

For more tips on improving your singing, check out Singing Carrots' extensive blog section, including "Why Do We Sing Out of Pitch?", "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking," and "How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice."

Finally, consider enrolling in our 21-lesson Singing Course that covers essential music theory as well as practical tips on jaw, lip, tongue, and throat movement.

Use Singing Carrots' range and pitch tests to monitor your progress. And, if you need help with specific techniques, be sure to check out Singing Carrots' collection of vocal exercises videos, ranging from Twang and Growling to Vibrato and Articulation to help further develop your vocal talent.

Keep practicing and have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.